- Spending Time on Phone
10 Tips How to Spend Less Time on Phone
- 1. Limit your phone time to 1 hour maximum
- 2. Workout
- 3. Start an online business
- 4. Delete social media apps
- 5. Turn off notifications
- 6. Make your phone unreachable
- 7. Create a Phone-Free Zone
- 8. Don't grab your phone in the morning
- 9. Meet people face to face
- 10. Plan your day to spend less time on phone
- Spend less time on phone
- Cons of spending too much time on phone
- What you should learn
![how to spend less time on phone](https://i0.wp.com/cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/03/22/22/17/phone-292994_1280.jpg?w=1290&ssl=1)
Spending Time on Phone
How to spend less time on phone? There is a ton of ways you can spend less time on phone and reduce your screen time.
Spending too much time on your phone is a stupid way of using time pointlessly. In addition, using your phone too much is instant way to kill your productivity.
When we talk about how to spend less time on phone, we need to understand what are the “important” things we use it for.
When you spend less time on phone, you can easily become more productive and stay organized.
In today’s society, we don’t even realize how to spend less time on phone. And those people who do, are those who are able to stand out from others because they focus on themselves.
10 Tips How to Spend Less Time on Phone
In this article you will learn the most effective tips for how to spend less time on phone. Main goal is to inspire you with interesting and creative activities.
Spending less time on phone becomes easy when you are able to include other interesting activities in your day.
You can be truly amazed how little you actually need your phone. Therefore, if you are able to implement the following tips, you don’t have to ask yourself how to spend less time on phone.
1. Limit your phone time to 1 hour maximum
Let’s be honest, there is no reason to spend more than 1 hour on your phone daily.
The only necessary tasks are calling, messaging and managing businesses, if needed. You should not waste your time on Instagram, TikTok or watching pointless YouTube videos.
When you are being honest with yourself, you can limit your phone time easily to 1 hour. There is no reason to watch short videos to get dopamine.
Here is a little tip as a motivation for you:
If you spend daily 4+ hours on your phone, that’s 28 hours a week… And in a year it is 1460 hours.
Imagine how much more successful you could have been if you had put that time into improving yourself!
Once you understand this, you will not be asking how to spend less time on phone.
2. Workout
Working out is one the easiest ways to limit your time spent on phone. And working out provides several benefits.
It increases blood flow, builds your physique and keeps you in shape. It is a fantastic way to let your unpleasant thoughts go away and focus on self-improvement.
Everyone wants to have a trained, good looking body.
Those people who say, I will workout tomorrow, spend their time probably just scrolling their phone. You should use that to your advantage and make some serious improvement.
Eventually, working out is the most beginner-friendly way to spend less time on phone.
So, next time you think how to spend less time on phone, hit a workout!
Tip: Try to workout sometimes by yourself, don’t take your phone with you. See the difference.
3. Start an online business
You are probably wondering, why an online business? Well, online business is easy and mostly free to start and doesn’t require a lot of knowledge or experience.
So, if you have a lot of screen time on phone and you want to know how to spend less time on phone, use that time into growing a profitable online business.
Starting an online business is an effective way to develop yourself and insert yourself into a world of earning potential money online.
If you stay consistent, you can eventually end up turning your online business into your main source of income that is made passively. Such a game changer, isn’t it?
Starting an online business will result in having more screen time, but you are using for something beneficial, in this case self-improvement.
And probably you won’t start an online business on your phone.
The best forms of online businesses to start:
- Blogging business (your own website)
- YouTube channel (video creation)
- Instagram theme page
4. Delete social media apps
If you find yourself extremely addicted to some social media apps, it might be a good option to delete them.
It will probably help you to decrease your time spent on phone, if that is the platform you mainly waste your time on.
Deleting social media apps can be hard, but be honest… Is it wasting your time a lot? Are you satisfied with the outcome you get from it? At least, nothing beneficial for sure.
If you are able to delete the social media apps that eat most of your time, you will grow mentally and it also shows your mindset is stronger than average.
Tip: Deleting unnecessary social media apps will free you from asking how to spend less time on phone.
5. Turn off notifications
Turning off notifications can rapidly help with how much time you spend on your phone.
In my experience, turning off notifications from apps has helped me to be more productive. I turned notifications off on Snapchat in November 2021 and have used it much less.
There is a danger that turning off notifications can also increase the chance of your social media usage because you are curiously wondering what has been sent to you.
On the other hand, you won’t click on a notification immediately if you have notifications turned off.
And that’s how you should end up spending less time on your phone.
6. Make your phone unreachable
Simple answer to question how to spend less time on phone is make it unreachable. This means that put it another room when you are doing things that are important to you.
This will drastically improve your focus and productivity. And when you hit the flow, you will forget about your phone and realize how enjoyable time can be without a phone.
Another great way to make your phone unreachable is by shutting it down. When you shut it down, you won’t be able to open apps immediately.
Moreover, it will require some effort to turn your phone on again.
Making your phone unreachable will save you time and result in better results.
7. Create a Phone-Free Zone
Creating a phone-free zone will significantly help you to reduce your time spent on phone. This is a powerful method for how to spend less time on phone.
Creating this zone allows your mind to be creative and allows you to focus on yourself and enjoy your life as well.
You don’t have to be connected with your phone all the time, forget it.
To do this, start small. For example, everyday you have a phone-free zone from 5 PM to 7 PM. What to do during phone-free zone:
- Read self-improvement book
- Learn a new skill
- Research topics that you are interested in
- Spend time with your family
8. Don't grab your phone in the morning
Are you grabbing your phone immediately after waking up? Well, if yes, you phone time starts already. That should not be the first thing to do in the morning.
Instead, focus and enjoy your morning routine. When you use your phone immediately in the morning, it results in decrease in productivity and distracts your mind.
Therefore, if your goal is to spend less time on your phone, make sure not to use it in the morning, especially immediately after waking up. It will kill your momentum!
You can still use your phone for listening podcasts and music during your morning routine but make sure not to use it for other things.
Put simply, if you want to know how to spend less time on phone, don’t use it in the morning!
9. Meet people face to face
It is quite common that nowadays we meet and share our thoughts with other people through phone call, facetime or messages.
If you want to easily spend less time on phone, go out and meet the people you have something to tell about.
Whether it is your best friend, your parents or grandparents, your brothers and sisters. Take some time and experience it together.
You will be much more creative and feel better when you meet people face to face.
This is one the best answers for how to spend less time on phone.
Tip: Plan to hang out with people you want on a specific day weekly. Create a routine.
10. Plan your day to spend less time on phone
First off, when it comes to spending less time on phone, are you spending a lot of time on your phone because you haven’t planned the day?
In my experience, when I plan my day, it is suddenly much more natural to focus on my goals, tasks and important things I want to accomplish.
As a result, when you have not planned your day, you are much more likely to be disorganized and unproductive.
Therefore, it is so easy to spend a plenty of time on your phone watching pointless content.
If you want to get everything out of your planning, a pro tip is to plan your day the night before. This allows your mind to visualize and prepare for upcoming actions.
Overall, if your goal is to learn how to spend less time on phone, make sure to plan your days beforehand and enjoy your time without phone.
Spend less time on phone
The question is: how to spend less time on phone?
To be honest, many businesses can be managed through phone. People do Instagram business, Facebook business, YouTube shorts etc. a lot using their smartphones.
However, still the majority of people use phone for pointless things, such as watching TikTok, reels and playing games. That time could be replaced with some much more creative activities.
For example, that time could be replaced by working on yourself.
How to replace your screen time:
- Learn new things
- Read self-improvement books
- Exercise
Cons of spending too much time on phone
If you find yourself spending too much time on phone daily, it will have negative impact on many areas of your life.
Phone doesn’t only distract our focus constantly, but also makes our minds less creative.
In addition, the worst part is that once you get used to using phone a lot, it becomes very hard to get rid of that habit.
And that habit usually leads to the following question: how to spend less time on phone. When we talk about how to spend less time on phone, we have to take few things into consideration:
How much time we spend on phone? Is every moment on phone necessary? Does it make you feel good long-term?
Answering these questions can help you to realize what can actually be important in your life.
What you should learn
In conclusion, the ultimate goal of this article was to show you how to spend less time on phone.
To be honest, limiting your time on phone is easy when you are honest with yourself and implement these simple but effective strategies into your life.
Spending too much time on phone can become very dangerous, not only for your health and mind, but also you lose your time and waste your potential.
Please read this: There is no reason to waste your time on phone because when you are 10-20 years older from now, you will regret it… Harsh truth.
However, if you got motivated and inspired of this article, I highly suggest you start today and fill your day with all kinds of personal success.
How to spend less time on phone? – Simply, don’t open it.